Nordomatic har under de senaste åren vuxit till Sveriges ledande fabrikatsoberoende aktör inom fastighetsautomation. Sobro har varit en engagerad och lyhörd ägarpartner och vi tackar dem för ett mycket bra stöd i utvecklingen av Nordomatic under den här perioden.
In recent years, Nordomatic have become Sweden’s leading pioneers in building automation. Sobro has been a committed and attentive owner partner throughout this period, and we thank them sincerely for their support.
– Olov Schagerlund CEO Nordomatic
Some examples of what we’ve achieved in recent years as an owner partner:
- Geographic expansion to seven new locations in Sweden. Nordomatic’s total revenue growth derived, in equal proportions, from organic growth and acquisitions. In all, three add-on acquisitions were completed.
- Merged seven subsidiaries, into a united business operating within one umbrella brand
- Created a stable operational platform, and improved project management processes to bolster efficiency and better internal procedures.
- Introduced the Nordomatic Academy, an education program for employees looking to develop personal and professional skills.
- The board and the management team were strengthened by a number of people with strong past expertise and experience of developing similar companies.
- Key employees were offered incentive– and ownership programs to help boost long-term commitment to the firm, rewarding hard work and loyal contributions.